
[Bug] Google Cloud Run decodes url search part before reaching your app

Today I discovered a (insane 🤯) bug in Google Cloud Run.

I was trying to understand WHY 😵‍💫 Image-Charts works on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) but the same container does not work on Cloud-Run.

To be precise, why the signed URL (HMAC) below works on GKE and not on Cloud-Run


Note that HMAC signature (ichm query parameter) is computed like this:

ichm=sign(url.search, shared_secret)

My main intuition was that cloud-run had some internal reverse proxies that changes part of the URL on the fly.

If that's trye, let's find what encoded characters Cloud-Run would automatically decode in the URL query part before reaching your app:

new Array(155).join('-').split('-').map((x, i) => '%'+i.toString(16).toUpperCase()).join('-_-')

// output:
// %0-_-%1-_-%2-_-%3-_-%4-_-%5-_-%6-_-%7-_-%8-_-%9-_-%A-_-%B-_-%C-_-%D-_-%E-_-%F-_-%10-_-%11-_-%12-_-%13-_-%14-_-%15-_-%16-_-%17-_-%18-_-%19-_-%1A-_-%1B-_-%1C-_-%1D-_-%1E-_-%1F-_-%20-_-%21-_-%22-_-%23-_-%24-_-%25-_-%26-_-%27-_-%28-_-%29-_-%2A-_-%2B-_-%2C-_-%2D-_-%2E-_-%2F-_-%30-_-%31-_-%32-_-%33-_-%34-_-%35-_-%36-_-%37-_-%38-_-%39-_-%3A-_-%3B-_-%3C-_-%3D-_-%3E-_-%3F-_-%40-_-%41-_-%42-_-%43-_-%44-_-%45-_-%46-_-%47-_-%48-_-%49-_-%4A-_-%4B-_-%4C-_-%4D-_-%4E-_-%4F-_-%50-_-%51-_-%52-_-%53-_-%54-_-%55-_-%56-_-%57-_-%58-_-%59-_-%5A-_-%5B-_-%5C-_-%5D-_-%5E-_-%5F-_-%60-_-%61-_-%62-_-%63-_-%64-_-%65-_-%66-_-%67-_-%68-_-%69-_-%6A-_-%6B-_-%6C-_-%6D-_-%6E-_-%6F-_-%70-_-%71-_-%72-_-%73-_-%74-_-%75-_-%76-_-%77-_-%78-_-%79-_-%7A-_-%7B-_-%7C-_-%7D-_-%7E-_-%7F-_-%80-_-%81-_-%82-_-%83-_-%84-_-%85-_-%86-_-%87-_-%88-_-%89-_-%8A-_-%8B-_-%8C-_-%8D-_-%8E-_-%8F-_-%90-_-%91-_-%92-_-%93-_-%94-_-%95-_-%96-_-%97-_-%98-_-%99-_-%9A

To run this experiment I've set a special route on Image-Charts that outputs what Image-Charts http server got as part of url.search.

On Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Image Charts API got an unmodified query string:


On Google Cloud Run however, things are different:


Yep. Characters like ")", "(", "a", "~" were converted on the fly by some Cloud Run internal proxy.

Now lets filter this for better readability:

const search_raw = new Array(155).join('-').split('-').map((x, i) => '%'+i.toString(16).toUpperCase());
const search_processed_by_cloud_run = `%0-_-%1-_-%2-_-%3-_-%4-_-%5-_-%6-_-%7-_-%8-_-%9-_-%A-_-%B-_-%C-_-%D-_-%E-_-%F-_-%10-_-%11-_-%12-_-%13-_-%14-_-%15-_-%16-_-%17-_-%18-_-%19-_-%1A-_-%1B-_-%1C-_-%1D-_-%1E-_-%1F-_-%20-_-!-_-%22-_-%23-_-%24-_-%25-_-%26-_-%27-_-(-_-)-_-*-_-%2B-_-%2C-_---_-.-_-%2F-_-0-_-1-_-2-_-3-_-4-_-5-_-6-_-7-_-8-_-9-_-%3A-_-%3B-_-%3C-_-%3D-_-%3E-_-%3F-_-%40-_-A-_-B-_-C-_-D-_-E-_-F-_-G-_-H-_-I-_-J-_-K-_-L-_-M-_-N-_-O-_-P-_-Q-_-R-_-S-_-T-_-U-_-V-_-W-_-X-_-Y-_-Z-_-%5B-_-%5C-_-%5D-_-%5E-_-_-_-%60-_-a-_-b-_-c-_-d-_-e-_-f-_-g-_-h-_-i-_-j-_-k-_-l-_-m-_-n-_-o-_-p-_-q-_-r-_-s-_-t-_-u-_-v-_-w-_-x-_-y-_-z-_-%7B-_-%7C-_-%7D-_-~-_-%7F-_-%80-_-%81-_-%82-_-%83-_-%84-_-%85-_-%86-_-%87-_-%88-_-%89-_-%8A-_-%8B-_-%8C-_-%8D-_-%8E-_-%8F-_-%90-_-%91-_-%92-_-%93-_-%94-_-%95-_-%96-_-%97-_-%98-_-%99-_-%9A`.split('-_-');

search_raw.reduce((m, encoded, i) => encoded === search_processed_by_cloud_run[i] ? m : m.concat([encoded, search_processed_by_cloud_run[i]].join(' => ')), []).join('\n')
// output
%21 => !
%28 => (
%29 => )
%2A => *
%2D => -
%2E => .
%30 => 0
%31 => 1
%32 => 2
%33 => 3
%34 => 4
%35 => 5
%36 => 6
%37 => 7
%38 => 8
%39 => 9
%41 => A
%42 => B
%43 => C
%44 => D
%45 => E
%46 => F
%47 => G
%48 => H
%49 => I
%4A => J
%4B => K
%4C => L
%4D => M
%4E => N
%4F => O
%50 => P
%51 => Q
%52 => R
%53 => S
%54 => T
%55 => U
%56 => V
%57 => W
%58 => X
%59 => Y
%5A => Z
%5F => _
%61 => a
%62 => b
%63 => c
%64 => d
%65 => e
%66 => f
%67 => g
%68 => h
%69 => i
%6A => j
%6B => k
%6C => l
%6D => m
%6E => n
%6F => o
%70 => p
%71 => q
%72 => r
%73 => s
%74 => t
%75 => u
%76 => v
%77 => w
%78 => x
%79 => y
%7A => z
%7E => ~

I reported this bug to Steren (Product Manager at Google Cloud Run) and hopefully it will be fixed soon :)


[fr] oxmoto.fr — stratégie e-commerce 1 an plus tard

Cela fait maintenant 1 an (2020) que j'ai rejoins en tant qu'associé Oxmoto afin d'y développer la partie e-commerce de Oxmoto.fr grâce à un suivi hebdomadaire. 

Fin 2021 nous avons maintenant franchit une étape importante car le CA réalisé chaque semaine correspond au CA annuel de 2020. 

C'est le résultat d'efforts continus de la part de toute l'équipe, d'une approche aggressive #lean et d'une excellence d'exécution à tous les niveaux. 

2022 s'annonce exceptionnel !
« »
Made with on a hot august night from an airplane the 19th of March 2017.