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[Talk] Introduction to Redis at Human Talks Nantes

This week I gave a talk on Redis at the third Human Talks Nantes.

I find it kind of sad that each Human Talk is limited to 10 minutes. I know it's a way to discover many technologies rapidly but I see this kind of talks more like 24h news. In 10 minutes we simply don't have the time to go deeper into the subject, leaving sometimes the audience on false belief. Hopefully and exceptionally we were allowed to stay more time on stage. So with the Q&A included I was able to talk about Redis for 30 minutes and tackle deeper subjects like how Redis replication algorithm works, how to use Redis as a LRU cache, how Redis failover works with Sentinel and so on.

Everything went smoothly I will surely give another talk on Redis and it will be way more practical this time!

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Made with on a hot august night from an airplane the 19th of March 2017.